Highway 24 Road Closure Begins July 25, 2022

Carver County is making improvements to Highway 24 from Highway 10 to the Hennepin County line. The project includes the full closure of Highway 24, scheduled to begin July 25, 2022.

The segment of Highway 24 between Highway 10 and Paul Ave is anticipated to be complete before school resumes in the fall. The segment of Highway 24 between Paul Ave and the Hennepin County line is anticipated to be complete late fall 2022.

See closure/detour map below.

Access to residents and businesses will be maintained throughout the duration of construction. Access will change slightly as culverts are replaced and road realignments occur. Access changes will be shared via email, website and Facebook. Sign up for email notifications on the Carver County road construction web page and check the website periodically for the latest impacts and updates.

Thanks for your patience.